Medical Journal Silver Inc.


TRUE Colloidal Silver


A bottle of medicine next to a bottle of medicine

Description automatically generatedINVIVE   A bottle of medicine next to a bottle of medicine

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The only Colloidal Silver site in the Whole World that has a DDR (Doctor s Desk Reference), click here>  

To Order/see
ALL Strengths

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Vitamin/Mineral Supplements

Silver can SAVE LIVES

Proof that Silver destroys cancer tumors in Scientific Studies

COVID-19 Research Information

WAKE UP! Because competitors are tricking you to buy 20 pieces (ppm) of dishwater 4 oz. Silver for 22.49

22.49 divided by 20= $1.12 ridiculous high price for JUST one piece (ppm)

when you can get 5000 pieces (ppm) of INVIVE Medical Journal Silver for 99.99 which means we are only charging you

99.99 divided by 5000= 0.019998= 2 cents for one piece (ppm) of Medical Journal Silver. WAKE UP!


Bill McFarland's


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University Studies

Spiritual Healing

Just 1 drop of 5000 ppm IS 250 TIMES more Powerful= 20 ppm divided into 5000 ppm= it takes 250 drops of their ppm to equal 1 drop of INVIVE.

20 nano particles compared to Mild Silver Protein particles= 20 nano particles have piddley=NO relative effective surface area

compared to the LARGE surface area of Mild Silver Protein 5000 particles. Click HERE to see Scientific Truth.

Click here  on 99.99 to order 5000 particles for just 2 cents each, (instead of $1.12 each from hucksters)

5,000 p.p.m.

Moderately Severe Infections

Mutated Colds, Virulent Flu, Aids, Lyme Disease, Eczema, (but "not" Hepatitis C where you use 10,000 ppm). 4 teaspoons (20 cc/day) 90 day usage per year


89.99 each
539.94 for 6

How to use

Save 10.00 per BOTTLE
You save $60.00

Attention FDA trolls: Our silver is the exact SAME silver that was in the Medical Journals and Medical Publications pre 1937 and we ARE Grandfathered In according to the Law.

Click here on this Home Page box>>  to SEE Invive's "MAIN" TRUTH ABOUT SILVER via our HOME PAGE!

Click here for Scientific "PROOF"

re virulent pathogens

We are the ONLY Silver that has a Doctors Desk Reference click here> DDR  that shows we are GENUINE, and shows you what to do;

because our silver is Grandfathered In and IS the 5000 PPM pre 1938 Medical Journal Silver, that was used effectively by all the MDs for 36 years.


a piddley 20 ppm

When the silver that worked for the last 100 years was 2,000 to 10,000 PPM.

A Johnny come lately piddley 20 ppm dishwater  IS a weak silver solution= BECAUSE the strengths PROVEN to work for 100 years before were 2000, 5000, and 10,000 PPM.

A weak 20 ppm dishwater silver made by DECEPTIVE competitors is "NOT" "NOT" NOT" an effective "HIGH" concentration of Silver particles, as proven in the Lab and actual Practice.

Silver is Allopathic which means the stronger the strength= higher PPM=THE MORE SILVER PARTICLES= the more effective it is. That is a Scientific fact.

Garbage junk science about surface area is just that: junk science to try to sell you 20 ppm dishwater like selling you dishwater silver.

Saying  surface area determines strength is WRONG. Because the number of silver particles DETERMINES STRENGTH, NOT SURFACE AREA.

Their saying that surface area determines strength is 100% proof that you are being misled by competitors that sell 20 ppm dishwater,

because IT IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT that ppm (parts per million) determines STRENGTH.

You are misled to accept promoters total unfounded claims as the truth.  The dishwater silver promoters ignore Science and deceive you to your face, and then they file complaints about anyone who dare disagree with their violation of Scientific Facts.  They re the worst offenders, because they obfuscate the truth, and outrightly deceive you, to sell their dishwater weak 20 ppm silver, to fool you with their rhetoric, when they themselves know very well silver is Allopathic= higher PPM IS more effective.

Worse yet, they talk/outrightly deceive you, about surface area when our 5000 regular tires have more surface area than their tiny 20 nano tires. They are TRICKING YOU.

5,000 ppm to 10,000 ppm "IS" a high effective concentration of microscopic silver particles. Period.

Click here for Scientific "PROOF"

re virulent pathogens


And also ask yourself:

Why do competitors "have to" sell theirs by the gallon size jugs 

The answer is:

A piddley 20 ppm

weak dishwater silver made by competitors is "NOT" "NOT" NOT" a "HIGH" concentration of Silver particles, so you have to use gallons of it to get results.

and dishwater silver will "NOT" "NOT" "NOT" protect you from mutated pathogens. Period.

2,000 ppm to 10,000 ppm "IS" a high concentration of microscopic silver particles that has been used effectively to save lives for over 100 years. Period.

Click here for Scientific "PROOF" that used different ppm strengths in the Lab to SEE for yourself that low ppm does NOT work

re virulent pathogens.

And again ask  yourself:

Ask yourself: Why do competitors "have to" sell theirs by the gallon size jugs 


and they have to tell you to take "HUGE" amounts of their dishwater weak ppm silver

to get any relief (not to be confused with cure) at all? Why? Answer: Because high 2000 and 5000 ppm does the job, while you have to take gallons of 20 ppm to get any result.

The Scientific answer that cannot be denied is Silver is an Allopathic substance meaning: 


YOU CAN'T use weak "dilutions".

Therefore high ppm determines effectiveness and "NOT" particle surface area. They are outright deceivers having to sell gallon jugs.

Please believe the ACTUAL Science that HIGHER PPM IS MORE EFFECTIVE.


"Our" Medical Journal MSP (Mild Silver Protein) silver is the "same" silver formula used in:
The British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice circa 1938 Sir Humphrey Rolleston,
BT, G.C.V.O., K.C.B., M.D., D.Sc., D.C.L., LL.D., Emeritus Regius Professor, Cambridge,
sometimes PRESIDENT of the Royal College of Physicians of London, England.
We also categorically state that:
Any silver Web Site that:
Click here on this Home Page box>> to see Invive's "main" Home Page
2.) OR  says, OR infers, that Silver ppm (parts per million) strength does not determine effectiveness
is an outright lying OR MISLEADING Web Site.
Different strengths and indeed 5000 ppm strengths, have been used for the last 100+ years which has "proved" that
only higher strengths have worked more effectively since 1902 = for the last 100+ years.
And 5000 ppm strength is what was used in the British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice and other Medical Journals.
The 6 litres (6,000 cc) of blood in everyone's body dilutes 1 teaspoon (5 cc) of any type of silver of any strength down by 1,200 times "less" strength. Weak silver solutions under 2,000 ppm are worthless in the body against disease. E.g. A 20 ppm is diluted down to less than 1/100 of 1 ppm by blood in the body, but promoters mislead the public by saying that 20 ppm kills bacteria in the petrie dish (in vitro)  without telling you: It is "not" effective in vivo (in the body) because it is diluted down 1200 times to less than 1/100 of 1 ppm by your 6 litres of  blood. Promoters will not put up the information that the 6 litres of  blood in everyone's body dilutes 1 teaspoon of silver of any strength down by 1,200 times less strength. The correct solution is to have a 20 ppm solution in your bloodstream, and for that you need 4 teaspoons of 5000 ppm. This is a plain fact of Chemistry and cannot be denied. Click here to see point 8 for a complete explanation that you must use a 5000 ppm for disease.

"All" bottles of INVIVE = "all" strengths are in 4 oz. fl. U.S. [118.291 ml.] bottles,
because you want more STRENGTH (silver particles), not more water.
E.g.: ONE 4 oz. bottle of 5000 is equal to 1000 bottles of 5 ppm = You can make "1,000" bottles of 5 ppm from "ONE" bottle of 5,000
and you can make 250 bottles of 20 ppm (that our main competitor sells for $49.87 for 16 oz.) out of ONE 4 oz. bottle of our 5,000.
That means you can make "SIXTY TWO" 16 ounce bottles of 20 ppm out of just "ONE" of our 5000 4 ounce bottles.
Our competitor would charge you $820 for just 25 16 oz. bottles, therefore you would pay $2,033.60 for 62 bottles.
Please Wake up!!
1 of our 5000 bottles makes "SIXTY TWO BOTTLES" of 20 ppm.
You will get silver "VALUE" = save over $1,900 by just purchasing 1 of our 5000.
Please purchase "our" silver, not our competitor's 16 ounces of weak diluted $49.87 20 ppm silver water.
and Purchase "our" Silver "BECAUSE": Each Bottle of "OUR" Silver is STABLE FOR 28+ YEARS= TO 2051+
The Bottles we have from 1995 Lot #s are still "PERFECT" and used by our employees today.







(parts per million)


Each (1-6 Bottles)

VOLUME "Discount" 6 or more


50 p.p.m.

Eye Wash
2 drops per eye As required usage. Daily lifetime usage Do "NOT" put any other strength into the eyes.


8.99 each
53.94 for 6
How to use
Save $1.00 per BOTTLE
You save $6.00

100 p.p.m.

Yeast Infections
2 drops initially/day thereafter: As required teaspoon usage. Daily lifetime usage. Use "only" the 100 ppm for Nebulizing.


17.99 each
107.94 for 6
How to use
Save $2.00 per BOTTLE
You save $12.00

500 p.p.m.

2 - 7 Year Old Child's Dose
1 tsp. (5 cc) / day. Daily lifelong usage.
Nose, and Ear ache drops
3 drops t.i.d. (3 times/day) in nose or ear. Use "only" the 500 ppm topically.


23.99 each
143.94 for 6
How to use
Save $2.00 per BOTTLE
You save $12.00

1,100 p.p.m.

Daily Supplement Adults Dosage
1 tsp. (5 cc) /day (1 bottle lasts 24 days). Daily lifetime usage. Take at bed time= when in bed so that it prevents nite tooth decay also= (keep bottle on night table).


26.99 each
161.94 for 6
How to use
Save $3.00 per BOTTLE
You save $18.00

2,000 p.p.m.

Common Colds, Flu
4 teaspoons (20 cc/day) minimum = 1 tsp. every 6 hours 180 day usage per year


44.99 each
269.94 for 6
How to use
Save 5.00 per BOTTLE
You save $30.00

5,000 p.p.m.

Moderately Severe Infections
Mutated Colds, Virulent Flu, Aids, Lyme Disease, Eczema, (but "not" Hepatitis C). 4 teaspoons (20 cc/day) 90 day usage per year


89.99 each
539.94 for 6
How to use
Save 10.00 per BOTTLE
You save $60.00
"All" strengths "ONLY" order by clicking on the price.
Do "NOT" phone to Order. We do "NOT" and will not accept phone orders.
If you have questions how to use click here>>> Site Map or >>>DDR Doctor's Desk Reference.
Study results from World renowned University and Scientific Centres with the "highest" accreditation
showing/proving power/proving effectiveness of MSP strengths for eradicating Disease. >>>
If you have further questions type them in to: Do "NOT" phone, because
we do not have the staff to handle phone calls.

5,700 p.p.m. ES7

Hepatitis C, mycoplasma,  and any other "sequestered", chronic
long-term infection = (over 6 mo.).
4 teaspoons (20 cc/day) 90 day usage per year
"Extra" STRENGTH for tissue penetration


159.99 each
959.94 for 6
How to use
Save 10.00 per BOTTLE
You save $60.00

10,000 p.p.m.

Severe Infections and Life and Death Infections
Ebola, Dengue Fever,  Malaria, SARS, West Nile 1-3 tablespoon (15-45 cc) every 4 hours 10 to 45 day usage per year


209.99 each
1259.94 for 6
How to use
Save $20.00 per BOTTLE
You save $120.00
10,700 p.p.m.
Our MOST Powerful Silver
Severe Infections and Life and Death Infections
 Ebola, Dengue Fever,  Malaria, SARS, West Nile 1-3 tablespoon (15-45 cc) every 4 hours 10 to 45 day usage per year.
"AND" Chronic = over 6 mo.
today's abx. "un"treatable Mycoplasma Infections,
etc. & complex Infections,
& for Differential Diagnosis M.D. Physician coverage, Medical Journal pre 1938.
"Extra" STRENGTH for tissue penetration


249.99 each
1499.94 for 6
How to use
Save $20.00 per BOTTLE
You save $120.00







If Hospital or Emergency Department has sent you home/sent you AWAY/to your home TO DIE:

Take 5 cc/ml (1 teaspoon EVERY hour)= 24 teaspoons in a day, of the highest STRENGTH/PPM STRENGTH that you can afford,

in order to STAY ALIVE/Live.

Take ANY strength/ppm you can, so that you can fight, and so that you do not have to die from 650 diseases that this particular Silver Protein silver has been PROVEN to cure since 1902=

For the last 100+ years Dr. Barnes Mild Silver Protein/NOW remanufactured as INVIVE has cured peoples 650 diseases.

If sent home to Die, then use/take 1 teaspoon EVERY hour= We saved many lives during Covid. All our people are still alive. Therefore in life and death situations:

=Take 1 Teaspoon of ANY strength EVERY HOUR.


IMPORTANT: Order by just clicking on the prices, and "not" by phone, due to problems with some people wanting our silver so much, that they even borrowed and used someone else's Credit Card. Therefore we can no longer accept Credit Card/Debit Card payments over the phone. An online payment processor is the only way of verifying purchaser identity, & this way it also benefits you, because your order goes to the Shipping Department the same second you click send and you will have your order sooner.
The treatment of the information of personal character, as well as the mailing of bulletins or commercial communications realized by electronic means, they are similar to the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of Protection of Information of Personal Character (B.O.E. of December 14, 1999) and to the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of services of the Society of Information and of Electronic Commerce (B.O.E. of July 12, 2002).
*** The FDA compels us to put this notice up. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is sold strictly as a "Dietary Supplement".
Enter Main Site by clicking here >>>

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The following is an outright "LIE" put out by Mesosilver:
"High particle surface area makes Mesosilver more effective than silver protein type products with silver concentrations in the tens of thousands of ppm."
Here is the Scientific "Mathematical" proof that Mesosilver is "LYING":
These scam sites will lie by inferring 20 paltry (measly) particles of silver have a greater surface area than 5000 particles! Ask yourself: Do 20 regular compact car tires have a larger surface area than "5,000" normal family size car tires? Of course not. But they trick the public by saying and inferring that their low 20 ppm (parts per million) has more relative surface area "without" telling the public that Invive "at 5000" ppm has 250 times more surface area than their 20 ppm.
Here are the actual "mathematical" proofs (not just misleading typing and misleading graphs), that proves "mathematically":

Our Invive 5000 ppm has 250 times larger "total" surface area than promoters scam dishwater paltry 20 ppm:

 1.) The "total" surface area of all 20 pieces of promoters 20 ppm increased surface area = 20 * p (.01 m) 2 = 0.00628 square microns.  (m is the symbol for a micron = 10-6 m, and p = 3.1416.  The diameter of a single silver particle is 0.01 m).

2.) The "total" surface area of 1 of INVIVE's .005 to .015 particles is = p (.01 m) 2 = 0.000314 square microns, for a spherical silver particle of average diameter 0.01 m.

3.) INVIVE'S Total particle surface area in one dose of 5000 = 5000 * p (.01 m )2 = 1.5708 square microns.

4.) INVIVE S 5000 [particles of silver] ppm silver has 250 times more surface area than promoters 20 {particles of silver] ppm silver

5.) Therefore our 5000 ppm has 250 times the effectiveness of their 20 ppm. The comparison is for a fixed spherical size of silver particle, since there are many promoters of silver in the range of 20 ppm.

 6.) Effectiveness can only be compared for a fixed particle size.  It is not true that producing more particles of smaller size to get a greater surface area for the same ppm of silver will necessarily increase effectiveness.  This is especially true of very small particles, where the smallest sizes are ineffective against pathogens.  The silver user should beware of claims of large surface area at low ppm.

 7.) To have equivalent surface area to Invive 5000, the promoters would have to manufacture a silver particle size 250 times smaller at 20 ppm.  This is because "the" surface area relative to the silver mass is inversely proportional to the particle diameter.  This would be a particle of 0.04 nm (nanometers) in diameter.  Such a size could not be made, and if it could, is too small to be effective against pathogens.

8.) Analysis of the silver promoters site for 20 ppm weak silver, has determined that their data is suspect as deliberately misrepresentative of the facts that their own site presents for the small particle size they are claiming in their comparison table. Their lab results state an average size of 18.04 nm but show a graph implying a size of 0.678 nm which seems very small and proves inconsistent via their own data because the graph is way below 18.04 nm.

Theirs is an absurd lying deception that they perpetrate on the public to sell their weak 20 ppm solution, for while is posing as an independent site, the truth in fact is that is owned by the same person (Frank Keys) who owns the Meso silver company.

The above facts and mathematics prove the hoax that and meso silver have perpetrated on unknowing people.

Click here to see: Rebuttals to Promoters >>

Click here for Video:

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