5 cc (1 teaspoon) per 30 lbs. of bodyweight, per diem/day 5000 ppm is the “General” rule in the DDR Doctors Desk Reference for the Practitioners.
You also NEED to Nebulize B.I.D. (twice per day) using 10 cc of the 100 p.p.m..
These are
and are not carved in stone,
BECAUSE each case is different.
But you have to start somewhere with a Guideline, and then
Tailor the dosage to the event PRESENTION.
A.) 1.) The Guideline you viewed on site is to cover most of the conditions INCLUDING the MORE serious “PRESENTATIONS” of Disease (more virulent Presentations involving Pathogens).
2.) Many people are concerned with the cost in dollars, therefore 4 teaspoons per day of 5000 ppm is the “minimum” most economical way to “INITIALLY” start dealing with the Presentation, though 10,700 ppm is best as it is the strongest available. And switching to 6 teaspoons per day of the 5000 ppm if necessary= 1 teaspoon every 4 hours. The 24 teaspoon bottle will last 24 divided by 6 teaspoons= a bottle will last 4 days. There are 24 teaspoons in a 4 oz. bottle. Therefore you WILL require/need a 6 pack of bottles.
Just click on UNDERLINES to order:
C L I C K O N T H E U N D E R L I N E D S A L E P R I C E |
It is ALWAYS necessary to “TAILOR” the dosage to the SYMPTOMOLOGY, especially when dealing with life and death situations.
Hence one 71 year old man last March 17 Tuesday who was suffocating from his own lung mucous that was caused by the Covid-19 was still getting worse, and had to have his
3.) Dosage upped from 1 teaspoon every 6 hours= 4 teaspoons of 10,700 per day (as per the typed “Guidelines”),
to 1 teaspoon every 4 hours= 6 teaspoons per day, and even that had to be RAISED to
1 teaspoon of 10,700 EVERY HOUR, which
SAVED HIS LIFE and he is totally well (asymptomatic/normal in temperature and breathing rate) now. BECAUSE 5000 ppm silver KILLS VIRII/VIRUSES and always “has” killed viruses including HIV to COVID-2 Sars. NOW people who take 5000 ppm are killing the COVID-19, AS PROVEN EMPIRACALLY by the FACTS of people recovering when taking the silver orally. To try to say that silver doesn’t kill virii is a criminal act/lying causing the deaths of thousands of Americans. These FDA liars should be put in Jail. Millions of citizens “KNOW” silver works orally internally by their own experience.
The FDA cannot scratch out the FACT and History that MDs used Mild Silver Protein to cure 650 diseases from 1902 through 1938. 1902.[2] In 1903, Medical News reported that Barnes had read a paper at the Tri-State Medical Society, in which he said Argyrol could be used to treat conjunctivitis, ophthalmia neonatorum, gonorrheal ophthalmia, otitis media, genitourinary infections and inflammations, and urethritis.[3]
Now today’s police state would say that Albert Barnes could not state the CURES. It’s NOW in 2020 a merciless Police state, imposing the will of the 1%, to silence the masses of people using Silver.
The FDA are suppressing the Freedom of Speech and are FACISTS silencing us, and putting out their illegal Regulations that undermine Mild Silver Protein as the CURE for disease that it had been for 36 years. The FDA is policing the alternative Health Care Practitioners to insure the profits of the Multinational Drug Companies, so that we are FORCED to use the FDA’s Toxic Drugs that KILL over 100,000 Americans every year.
For the FDA to try to say that Mild Silver Protein doesn’t work=
means that FDA leaders and their toadies will have to be thrown into Hell by God for the FDA’s LYING. all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning Revelations 21:8 as
liars that caused the deaths of tens of thousands of USA citizens. Because the FDA does NOT respect the truth and instead the FDA lies.
So instead of being cow towed by the FDA, use the Mild Silver Protein type of silver to save yourself BECAUSE it works!
AND always “TAILOR” the dosage to the Symptomatology of the PRESENTATION. You will require at least a 6 pack of the 5000 or better yet a 6 pack of the 10,700 if you can afford it.
PS: We haven’t raised our prices in 25 years, and only wish to continue SAVING LIVES.
B.) ALSO necessary is to DAILY:
Nebulize 10 cc of 100 ppm
to remove/kill the virus in your lungs, and
so that you don’t relapse= BECAUSE the virii sequester/hide deep in your lung tissue.
Nebulize 100 ppm twice a day even AFTER AFTER AFTER you are well. https://youtu.be/DVIcSpyeXqk
And you will feel even stronger with LESS fatigue, after you have recovered, and you will also feel more positive in attitude mentally as the silver will have eradicated any head/brain inflammation.
You are rebuilding/restoring your body/lungs as silver is dulciment/soothing to the lung tissues (proved by the FACT that silver is so soothing to your tissues that silver was put into your eyes when you were born to prevent gonorrhea caused blindness in a baby). Remember that Silver is dulciment/soothing to the tissue, and has no side effects, and has no interaction with any other drug, vitamin, mineral, nor any other product; and do not listen to the fear mongers who try to say you will turn blue BECAUSE they are using the strawman argument, which means you should never get into a car because they heard that once someone got killed in a car, and don’t go swimming by “their” false logic, because they heard that someone once drown when swimming. Millions of people are taking silver today so where are all the blue people? Answer: There are not any blue people, saving 1 in a million= you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning. But pharmaceutical drugs KILL 100,000+ Americans in the USA every year= KILL 1 MILLION+ Americans every 10 years, and they don’t tell you. Would you get on an airline that kills 100.000 people per year? Versus using a product that ALL the MD Doctors used and was listed in the Medical Journals and Medical Papers/instructions from 1902 to 1938 known as Cargentos and Argyrol in the USA, and until the 1970s in Spain.
It is EXTRAORDINARY misconduct by the FDA to take action against silver that SAVES LIVES and has no side effects and has always saved lives since 1902 as PROVEN by ACTUAL CLINICAL HISTORY.
The Nebulized silver will assist your immune system to keep doing its job of protecting you (as the Nebulized silver transfers from your lungs to your bloodstream after killing the virii in your lungs).
Virii cannot exist in the presence of microscopic silver particles. PERIOD. To try to say: “no it doesn’t work”, is absurd and defies logic, AND
defies 36 years of Medical History AND
shows the FDA to be LIARS.
Again for clarity: Virii cannot exist in the presence of microscopic silver particles. INVITRO OR INVIVO. PERIOD! NO MATTER WHAT THE FDA tries to say/yap.
We will have to take control of our own lives again!
C.) Symptoms of the Coronavirus can be very similar to the flu. BUT BUT BUT what to keep an eye out for “IS”:
Symptoms of coronavirus can include:
Incubation Period (Before you get sick):
Will be 1-14 days “before” you have/show symptoms.
That means 2-9 days on average “before you have/show symptoms.
Once you are sick:
10 days is length of Disease (unless you succumb/die/pass away first).
Total length of Disease:
14 days incubation
10 days of actual sickness/being ill
24 days total length of Disease.
30 days “still” in your bloodstream
54 days
“IF” YOU let your condition go critical by NOT addressing it with any type of treatment:
COVID 19 has as much as a
49% case fatality rate once you become critically ill.
Severity of COVID-19 Illness:
80% – either have no problematic symptoms or have mild to moderate disease (much like a bad cold or flu) and recover fully.
14% – develop severe disease that requires hospitalization due to experiencing need for supplemental oxygen support associated with worsening symptoms such as:
6% – will eventually develop critical illness as:
D.) Damage still remaining after Recovery from the Corona Virus in many individuals:
No sense of smell.
GI problems.
Loss of weight during the illness, with difficulty putting weight back on.
Struggle breathing as in shortness of breath from damage to your lungs.
E.) After 24 days/once you recover, you are to take measures to:
Build up/build back your lung capacity/oxygen capacity.
Build up your whole body muscle capacity.
Because you got “KNOCKED OUT” with a Sledgehammer.
F.) Therefore CONTINUE to Nebulize for 2 weeks AFTER you are Well:
Pour 5 cc of the 100 ppm (or up to the 1100 ppm but NOT anything above 1100 ppm) into a nebulizer at least twice per day.
*** Nebulize 10 cc in total= twice filling the nebulizer 2 separate times with 5 cc each time.
Use the 100 ppm (though some use 1100 ppm “sometimes” depending on how severe the Presentation).
Nebulize to maintain clear lungs, so that you do not relapse.
Summation re Nebulizing:
Nebulize 10 cc of the 100 ppm B.I.D. (twice a day),
in addition to the oral silver you are taking, AND CONTINUE nebulizing twice a day even AFTER AFTER AFTER you are well, for 2 weeks AFTER you are well.
That way you will feel even stronger with LESS fatigue, after they have recovered, and also feel more positive in attitude mentally,
as you rebuild/restore your body,
to assist your immune system to keep doing its job as it has done so from your birth
G.) Again for clarity:
Nebulize 10 cc of 100 ppm (though some use 1100 ppm “sometimes” depending on the Presentation),
(so that you don’t relapse)
So nebulize twice a day AFTER AFTER AFTER you are well.
That way they will feel even stronger with LESS fatigue, after they have recovered, and also feel more positive in attitude mentally,
as you rebuild/restore your body,
to assist your immune system to keep doing its job as it has done so from your birth.
Pour 5 cc of the 100 ppm (or up to the 1100 ppm but NOT anything above 1100 ppm) into a nebulizer at least twice per day.
*** Nebulize 10 cc in total= twice filling the nebulizer 2 separate times with 5 cc each time.
Use the 100 ppm (though some use 1100 ppm “sometimes” depending on how severe your Presentation).
Nebulize to maintain clear lungs, so that you do not relapse.
Summation re Nebulizing:
Nebulize 10 cc of the 100 ppm B.I.D. (twice a day),
in addition to the oral silver you are taking, AND CONTINUE nebulizing twice a day even AFTER AFTER AFTER you are well, for 2 weeks AFTER you are well.
That way you will feel even stronger with LESS fatigue, after they have recovered, and also feel more positive in attitude mentally,
as you rebuild/restore your body,
to assist your immune system to keep doing its job as it has done so from your birth
Use 50 PPM eye drops if you have an eye infection
Editor’s Note:
There is NO pre-existing immunity to the COVID-19 VIRUS/VIRII.
“Only” our MSP Mild Silver Protein TYPE of Silver (that is grandfathered in) can protect you as a Dietary Supplement
And we cannot stop the alternative Medical Practitioners from using it “Off Label” and knock it out In Vivo. In vivo is Latin for “within the living.” It refers to work that’s performed in a whole living organism= in one’s body.
See actual Temple University Study “PROVING” that “OUR” Silver Dietary MSP Supplement in vitro kills VIRII, click here> http://www.1stcenturychristian.com/bhealthy/bhealthy.html#viri
Unless they break their own laws, they cannot stop us from distributing it as a Dietary Supplement
our “particular” silver product is “Grandfathered In”
our product “IS” Mild Silver Protein
the same IDENTICAL Product
that was in all the pre 1938 Medical Journals and paper publications.
Therefore it can be used today in 2020 by M.D. Doctors and indeed all Health Care Practitioners to treat disease.
And indeed “WAS” used by “ALL” the MDs pre 1938
as the non toxic, no side effects, treatment of choice, that every M.D. carried in his Medicine Bag,
“before” the FDA took over/stole our food and drug supply, for the benefit of the multinational corporations.
The FDA & Drug Company & Legislator Partnership:
Your legislators continually go through the revolving door of being hired for millions of dollars by working for the multinational drug companies when they leave office.
Today’s Pharmaceutical Company drugs KILL over 100,000+ USA citizens each year= they Kill 1 MILLION+ Americans every 10 years,
while our Albert Barnes 1902 Mild Silver Protein product kills no one;
our MSP product is dulciment= soothing to the tissues and
our MSP product has NO side effects whatsoever, and
MSP causes NO Mutations of the pathogens because it kills the pathogens instantly upon contact so that there are no wounded pathogen to go off and mutate into more drug resistant forms/strains, and
Our MSP product has NO interactions with any other DRUG and
our MSP product has NO interactions with any other product whether vitamin or mineral, and
our MSP product works the same as it (MSP) has since 1902.
“Off Label Usage”
Of this MSP Mild Silver Protein
“Grandfathered In” pre 1938 Product
The following Statement apply:
Attention FDA:
For generations MDs regularly participate in issuing "off label" Prescriptions/usage for a multiplicity/plethora of products.
It is known to be a daily and “common practice” in the Medical field.
This Product has been used by MDs since 1902-1938.
We distribute as a Dietary Supplement the EXACT SAME Product that has been used by MDs since 1902 and MDs are free to recommend it for “Off Label” usage.
See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyrol From Wikipedia:
Argyrol [Mild Silver Protein] was manufactured by A.C. Barnes Company until the Zonite Products Corporation acquired the firm in 1929.[5] Argyrol products were compounded by pharmacists at various concentrations and dispensed to the public in pharmacy-labelled bottles. It was also sold in A.C. Barnes Company packaging in solutions of various strengths. A succession of pharmaceutical entities acquired Argyrol over the decades.
All kinds of Companies distributed and indeed fought over the right to distribute our type of product that cured 650 different diseases.
Yet your legislators/politicians and Medical Boards will not tell you about it, and indeed the FDA tries to cover our product up by lying and saying it was never proven as safe and effective when in FACT it has been safe and effective for over 100 years and particularly proven safe and stated safe in the Medical Journals from 1902 to 1938 as being EFFECTIVE and SAFE.
There have not been ANY adverse effects recorded by the FDA’s own FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS).
There are NO side effects AT ALL as proven by the FDA’s own reporting system. Therefore it IS “PROVEN SAFE,
and the FDA is lying when the FDA tries to say it is not proven safe or effective. They are liars, as PROVEN BY THE FACTS of the last 100 years!!!
Wikipedia further states:
The silver protein molecule in Argyrol has been in use for over 100 years to date, with ample clinical data supporting the benefits and versatility of the silver protein molecule in medicine without the detriment of drug resistance. Although Argyrol is used as a synonym for the chemical descriptions silver vitelline and mild silver protein.
Editor’s Note:
This product that you are purchasing from us is IDENTICAL to the Medical Journal pre 1938 product that Science Digest stated that it cured 650 different diseases, per Science Digest 1978.
Photographic PROOF circa pre 1938 that Argyrol was sold to be taken “INTERNALLY” proving INVIVE Mild Silver Protein is therefore “GRANDFATHERED IN” to be taken “INTERNALLY” :
Photographic PROOF Argyrol was Mild Silver Protein being the same as Invive Mild Silver Protein is today:
More independent photographic PROOF from others, that Argyrol was Mild Silver Protein.
INVIVE Mild Silver
Protein is therefore “GRANDFATHERED IN”:
The above is “IRREFUTABLE” photographic “PROOF” that INVIVE Mild Silver Protein is
And therefore CAN be used to treat Diseases.