Federal Register
/ Vol. 61, No. 200 / Tuesday, October 15, 1996 / Proposed Rules 53685
… 4910–13–U DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 310 [Docket No. 96N–0144] Over-the-Counter Drug Products Containing Colloidal Silver Ingredients or Silver Salts AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.… these
colloidal silver products
were recognized as
official articles
in the United States Pharmacopeia (U.S.P.) and the National Formulary (N.F.).
… Mild silver protein (Ref. 2) contained not less than 19 percent and not more than 23 percent silver, with the product diluted for local use to concentrations from 0.1 to 5 percent. The 12th edition of the N.F. had a cautionary note, which stated: ‘‘Caution: Solutions of Mild Silver Protein
should be freshly prepared or contain a suitable stabilizer, and
should be dispensed in amber colored bottles.’’
Fung and Bowen reported that, after ingestion, up to 10 percent of silver salts may be absorbed. Silver is deposited in many organs. The highest concentrations are found in the skin, liver, spleen, and adrenal glands, with lesser deposits in the muscle and brain…
The above Study PROVES that Silver when ingested orally, stays in the body,
And thereby/ergo the Silver destroys harmful disease bacteria in your body:
Silver ions inactivate enzymes that are essential for bacteria life.
That’s why bacteria are killed when contaminated water is stored in a silver container.
The same is TRUE when you have silver in your body= bacteria are killed, and you remain healthy.
This is so simple to understand, but the lying FDA clerks who are paid by the big drug Corporations revolving DOOR POLICY hiring policy = that go work for the Corporations for a fat paycheck,
These clerks cover UP the Fact that silver kills eradicates and kills harmful disease bacteria, and
worse than just covering up THE TRUTH:
The FDA “lies” that silver is not effective when it clearly ‘IS’ effective as proven by the above simple FACT that a 6 year old could understand.
But the FDA is compromised and lies that “ALL OF A SUDDEN” silver becomes non effective when the silver enters one’s physical body. The FDA are just plain nefarious LIARS lying that silver is not effective:
when silver is “EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE” when in your body.
Silver kills bacteria outside your body, and silver kills bacteria inside your body. PERIOD.
The FDA officials should be HUNG:
2.) by their lying about silver, and
3.) their hiding this cure from the public
4.) AND
And the FDA should be prosecuted themselves for prosecuting companies that are saving people from death and disease.